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Innovative protective vest for hunting dog - SAG NATURE



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Product code: 4602001

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Materials: Outer fabric: 100% polyester (170g). Protective fabric: 1 layer PE membrane (350G).
The neck version of the dog clothes is improved, more ergonomic and comfortable towear. The adjustment design is integrated with the buckle fastening. The back is madeof fluorescent fabric and the protective vest is equipped with reflective strips. The collarhas rings for easy wearing. The inner layer fabric uses knitted soft PE fabric which hasgood puncture resistance, good chemical stability and can resist most acid and alkalierosions. Aramid fibers and their products have two fatal weaknesses, one is"weakness due to exposure to light" that is, photodegradation when exposed toultraviolet rays; the second is "weakness from contact with water", even in dry air can
absorb water and cause hydrolysis. These two characteristics make aramid fiber notvery resistant to atmospheric agents, which limits the deep application of aramid fiber inthe field of protection. The disadvantage of aramid fiber is also the advantage of PE, soPE has gradually become the main material for protective devices, that is, the threehigh-tech fibers in today's world (carbon fiber, aramid fiber, PE fiber). PE fiber has highspecific axial tensile strength and stiffness, whose specific strength is the highest in allfibers. The specific modulus is second only to the high modulus of carbon fibers, andthe specific energy absorption efficiency is the highest among all fibers. It is resistant tolow temperatures, excellent ultraviolet resistance, excellent water resistance, has goodstrength and long life. In terms of bullet protection ability, in terms of preventing lowvelocity bullets, the resistance of PE fiber is about 30% higher than that of aramid fiber.In terms of high-speed elastic strength, the performance of PE fiber is 1.5~2 timeshigher than that of aramid fiber. INNOVATIVE PRODUCT. Lightweight, breathable, andvery, very durable.

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