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Product code: BERBEEP001
TheBeeper 2000 xp®hasbaritonal sounds with a frequency of 1200 Hz, it's waterproof, shockresistant and it's very simple to use.
It can be used as second or third beeper dog collar,but also as basic model with the possibility ofbuying only the remote control in the future.
It has 30 beeps:14 sounds when the dog stopsand16 when the dog is in search.
TheBeeper 2000 xp®has the "signal forprey trail” that is a different sound when the dog ison the prey trail because it changes its behaviour.This signal, if enabled, is heard if the beeperis set with a delay time of the stop longer than 6seconds.
Inside there arefour potentiometerstoregulate the volume, the tone, the delay of soundwhen the dog stops and the time between beepswhen the dog is in search.
Technical specs:
- 16 Beeps for the search
- 14 Beeps for the stop
- Waterproof with immersed electronic into silicon material (shock resistant)
- "Magnet key": turns on and off the Beeper
- Potentiometer to length or shorten the pause time between one beep and the other during the research phase from 4 to 60 seconds
- Potentiometer to lengthen or shorten the time delay when the dog stop from 0 to 60 seconds
- Volume and tone adjustable
- Silent search
- "Prey trail signal": signal with a different sound, when the dog modifies its behaviour because is on prey trail
- Uses 9V battery (type 6LR61)
- Measures Ø 5.4 x 10 cm
- Weight 235 g. with 9 Volt battery + collar
- Compliant with CE / RAEE / ROHS regulations
- 24 months warranty
- Made in Italy
- The kit includes:theBeeper 2000xp®with radio frequency receiver, OR, 9 Volt Duracellbattery, magnet key, user manual and plastic case.
Deliveries on the territory of Europe are made through delivery company. The delivery takes up to 3 working days for the available items and 14 days for those that must be ordered.
Free delivery for orders over EUR 150.
Our consultants will contact you to confirm the order before we ship it to you.