
Beeper Scolopax 4.0
Instructions for use the use of beeper Beeper Scolopax 4.0
The Scolopax 4.0 beeper is the first and only cowbell beeper. Scolopax 4.0 with remote control allows to hunt in complete silence. The remote control with signal vibration , LED or acoustic sound when the dog stops. Read more.
User Manual for Beeper Scolopax 4.0
Get acquainted with the device and how to use it.
The new base model beeper Scolopax 4.0 with an orange collar features baritone sounds with even lower frequency and a higher volume level for greater audibility. With this frequency, the sounds are not absorbed by vegetation but travel over larger distances compared to classic beepers on the market today. It has 32 sounds between searching and stopping.
5 Reasons to Invest in Quality Hunting Clothing
Why is it so important?
Quality hunting clothing alone won't make you a better hunter. Countless large game animals on every continent were hunted by people hundreds, even thousands of years before modern hunting attire was invented. The reasons you need quality hunting clothing are different, and we list them in the following lines.
Shoes, gloves, hat
Addition to hunting clothing
High-quality hunting gloves and the right hat are crucial components of any hunting attire. Without a good pair of gloves, your fingers will be too cold to pull the trigger at the precise moment you need to.
The three layers of hunting clothing
Specialized Hunting Clothing
It may seem like you need a lot of specialized clothing to go hunting, and to some extent, that's true. Our ancestors hunted wearing leather loincloths and carrying spears (not recommended). They probably never imagined that people in the future would have layered hunting clothing. What does this mean, though?
Tips for feeding a hunting dog
What is important to know
As we know, good hunting comes with a good hunting companion, but in order for your hunting companion to be good, besides the right training, it is important to know the proper way of feeding and care. In this article, we will try to inform you on how to take care of your hunting partner in a precise and clear manner.
Recommendations for Quail Hunting - What You Need to Know
It is good to hunt early in the morning.
When quail hunting, it's good to choose condensing places where there is more dew, which is the main source of water for quail - meadows, stubble fields, fallow fields near the forest, near cornfields, and all fields that are mown and where there is the so-called "sharp grass."
Are you looking for an original gift for a hunter?
Find here a few different ideas.
To successfully find interesting gift ideas for a hunter that are both useful and original is not an easy task.
The Hunting Store offers a variety of gift ideas for both male and female hunters.
Equipment and Gear for Woodcock Hunting
What is important to know
Over the years, I've noticed that the gear (clothing, footwear, jacket, hat) shouldn't be the same for every type of hunting. Clothing for big game hunting, especially during stand and wait or stalking, tends to be heavy, warm, and unsuitable for walking, but it does protect you from the cold.